Sabtu, 12 September 2015



      We already learned that Allah ( SWT ) want us to be good. Our parents also want us to be good. When you do something good or bad it  is called doing a deed. A deed some thing you do. There are good deeds, like pick up your school equipments and bad deed, like making someone cry.

     Allah ( SWT ) Sees  what we do. He also made special workers called Angels to watch over us. Angels are made of light and are  always good. We can not see them right now, but they see us. Allah ( SWT ) does not need the Angels. He just made them to do jobs to help people
Angels are friendly and kind and always love to see us do good deeds. They ask Allah ( SWT ) to bless the nice people. The word bless mean to want goodness for someone. When we remember Allah ( SWT ). The Angel are happy.

      Allah ( SWT ) told some of the Angels to write down all of our good and bad deeds in a special book. Thats book is all about us and our deeds. Only Allah ( SWT ) and the Angels can see this book. One day after you die Allah ( SWT )  will look at this book and ask you about it. One of the Angels sits on your right shoulder, and the other sits on your left shoulder. So you have two Angel with you all the time.

      The one sits on the right is in charge of writing all your good deeds down. What do you thing the one on the left is writing ?
Here is a list of good deeds that Allah ( SWT ) love and some bad deeds that he hates. Remember to keep doing good deeds, so the Angel on your rightis very busy everyday !


-Helping your grand mather
-Helping your Parents
-Cleaning your room
-Telling the Truth
-Sharing what you have to the other
-Obeying your Parents
-Doing your homework
-Playing nice with Other
-Giving money to the poor people


-Telling a lie
-Fighting with others
-Stealling something
-Calling someone bad names
-Hurting an Animal


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