Sabtu, 12 September 2015




       If you lived your life believing in Allah ( swt ) and doing good deed, then Allah ( swt ) will give you a good grade and let you go into Jannah.

       Jannah is Heaven It is like a big palyground with fun and game all the time. No one is  sad in  Jannah and never have to leave.If you did bad deeds and did not care about Allah ( SWT ), then you will get a bad grade. If that happen, you will go to a hot and dark place called Jahannam is HELL-fire. No body is happy there, and people are punished all the time.

       Where do you want to go  after you die ? “ EVERY ONE HAVE TO LEAVE THE WORLD “. Jannah is the the best place want to go!

If you really want to go to jannah, then you have to work hard in your life right now to always believe in Allah ( SWT ) and to do good deeds.

Listen to what Allah ( swt ) says in the Qur’an :

Surah al Qariyah from the Qur’an

The big trouble ! What is the biq trouble, And how big will it be ?
it is the day ( of judgement ) when people will be running like scared bugs and when the mountains will be like hairballs blowing around.
Whoever’s scales have very few good deeds  will be thrown into the deep hole. And what is that deep hole ? it is a pit of fire

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