Sabtu, 12 September 2015



    The greatest Prophet Muhammad  was special that we always say,” Salla lahu  ‘ alayhi wa sallam” whenever we hear his name . we get ten good deeds if we do! Those are Arabic words that mean : the peace an blessings of Allah be upon Him”. Whenever we write His name , we put the letter (SAW ) after it.

      Who was the greatest Prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) ? He was born in a far away land called Arabia. He lived a long time ago. His parents died when he was small. His grandfather and His uncle took care of Him. When He become a man ,
He married a good lady named Khadijah. She was His best friend. He had four daughters and two son with her. He wanted to know about Allah ( SWT ) because the people in his town believed in stone gods calls idols. He knew that wrong.One day, while he was sitting in a mountain cave, an Angels named Jibril came and started to give Him a message from Allah ( SWT ). That was the start of the Qur’an.

       Angel Jibril told to the greatest prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) that Allah ( SWT )was making Him a Prophet for the whole world. the greatest prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) went back to His house and told His wife, Khadijah, about the Qur’an. Khadijah said she wanted to follow Allah’s book and be a muslim. Some of the greatest prophet Muhammad’s( SAW ) friends also wanted to be Muslim and follw Allah ( SWT )

       We love the greatest prophet Muhammad ( SAW )  because He worked very hard to teach people about Islam and Allah’s book, the Holy Qur;an. We should tell everyone about Allah ( swt )

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