Jumat, 13 Maret 2015


By : Suhefriandi

   A. An Ideal Teacher   

        An ideal teacher should have many qualities. A student remembers such a teacher for long. The effect of his personality on students lasts long. An ideal teacher is the one who is loved and respected by every student. He must try to win the hearts of all students. He should try to establish a kind of relationship and bond between the hearts and minds of himself and the students.

       An Ideal teacher should be a scholar. He must have the knowledge of the subject he teaches in the class. He should teach the subjects in a interesting way. He should be able to make the students really interested in their subject. An ideal teacher should express well, should have a good voice and must have love for teaching. The students should feel that their minds are growing under his teaching. An ideal teacher deals with the subject well. He makes his subject interesting too.

       An ideal teacher is the one who makes his students think and enhances their creativity. He not only passes information to them but also develops love for learning. He activates the minds of his students. He teaches them how to think and grow logical power. He brings into play the hidden mental powers of students. He must be a man of ideas. He should explain things in a scholarly and interesting way.

       An ideal teacher is ideal in all respects. He does not use words of learned lengths. He does not use difficult sentences. His language must be clear, easy and simple so that students may understand it. His teachings should be a tonic to the mind. An ideal teacher should be self respecting man. Thus his students also acquire self-respect and dignity from him.

       An ideal teacher must be a man of culture. He should have a sense of duty and responsibility. He should be honest to himself, to his students and to his profession. Man making is the central function of an ideal teacher. He is an engineer of the soul. In other words, an ideal teacher is a student's friend, philosopher and guide.

       Students do not like an unsympathetic and harsh teacher. They can judge the real worth of a teacher within no time. They can make sacrifice for their teacher, if he has created that much self confidence in them. They worship a teacher who always remain impartial and treats all his students alike. The worth of a teacher is not measures by the number of suits he owns, but by the amount of help which he renders to his students. If he is fearless, earnest and sincere in the discharge of his duties and is sympathetic towards his students, then he is bound to be an object of the devotion and admiration of students. A teacher who always finds faults with the work of his students in any task and schold them a lot is an object of fear for them. Such a teacher is respected by the students from outwards only, he is not respected by the students from the bottom of their hearts. He is only respected fakely for a time interval when he is in front of the students and that too is due to fear and not actual respect or gratitude. In their childish games and youthful vigour students do not like checks. If anyone is strict and does not allow them freedom, he becomes an object of their criticism. So, the question of the selection of an ideal teacher does not rise. He is enshrined in the hearts of his students.

          I had the good fortune of studying in good school and colleges. All the teachers were admired by some and criticized by others. Those who were hard working and hard task masters were loved and respected by sincere students. Such students showered their praises on those who were lenient and did not cared if the students worked or not. An ideal teacher should have all the qualities in him, the evil ones to and the good ones too. A majority should be the good ones. He should only show his evil (not evil, rather harsh, since a teacher can't be an evil) side only when it is genuinely required. He should love his students and he should try his level best to develop all over personality of his students rather than just educational ones.

B. What does an ideal teacher do? How can we motivate more people to act as teachers for each other?

        I am not sure if I can describe an ideal teacher but to get started I’ll try to at least point out some characteristics I believe great teachers should have.

For me, a good teacher is a great instructor and a great mentor. A great instructor is somebody who can communicate the material clearly, in a way that it makes sense. Furthermore, he or she also makes an effort to spike interest in learners by using various methods, for example, by demonstrating the relevance of the material in everyday life or posing perplexing questions. This aspect is particularly important for students who are starting out with learning something new. More specifically, at an early stage of the journey, one might not be aware of the relevance of the subject matter nor has he developed effective learning strategies that are suitable the subject. Thus, sufficient guidance is vital.

       However, being a great instructor does not make one necessarily a great teachers; one also needs to serve as a great mentor. A great mentor approaches students individually and finds a way to challenge every student based on their capabilities and level of knowledge. In other words, a mentor gives a student time to construct his own knowledge and provides assistance and scaffolding only when it’s necessary.

       However, a mentor and an instructor do not have to be the same person. For example, instructions can be delivered by the best experts in the field through video and audio channels, which is what online learning platforms are successfully doing already. However, personalized coaching and equipping a student with tasks that are challenging enough takes in-depth knowledge of the person and his capabilities. To what extent can this be achieved outside of classroom and without communicating with the student on a regular basis? One’s learning trajectory can be established by tracking learning activity online. That is a great starting point for a mentor. However, for a mentor to succeed, he needs to have the skills and motivation for that. We all have busy schedules and often times those who are best suited for mentoring cannot find time for that and those who aren’t can. Thus, an easy approach would be financial gain. For example, in additions to a cash payment, in the start-up world, mentors often get an equity stake in the company they are mentoring. Another option is to gamify the process by allowing mentors build their level of expertise every time they mentor people. This is something that companies could take into consideration while evaluating candidates for vacancies. Also, each mentoring session could take the mentor closer to some form of recognition (e.g. a teaching certificate). Furthermore, 2 people with complementing skills can mentor each other in their respective field of expertise. Additionally, mentor and mentee can form a project-based apprenticeship relationship where the mentor teacher the mentee something new while the mentee is helping the mentor out with something else that is in accordance of his skill level – it could be a Task Rabbit type of platform where the currency is mentoring not dollars.

       An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a teacher shapes the entire life of the students. If everyone in this world gets an ideal teacher, he/she won't have to look back in his/her life ever.

C. Qualities Of A Perfect Teacher

Problem Solver

       Students have a tendency to assume that their teacher will come up with a solution for all their problems. This is the toughest test of a teacher-student relationship. Teachers are largely responsible to solve the problems of their pupils, without expecting anything in return. It is the main yardstick of being an ideal teacher. 

Understands Student Psychology
It is very important for a teacher to understand the psychology of his/her pupils. every student is different from the other and will react differently to situations. All students cannot be equated and therefore, need individual attention. An ideal teacher knows where the students lack and what their requirements are. He/she never fails to comprehend the needs of students and tries his/her level best to fulfill them.

An Idol For Students

       An ideal teacher leaves a life-long impression on his/her students and impacts their mind in a positive way. She is a much valued asset, without whom one can't imagine a life. In fact, perfect teachers are as important as our parents. Not even a single day of our life will seem to be complete without them. They are the ones, whom the students can idolize and look up to. 

A Good Guide

       Children of a certain age trust their teachers, even more than their parents. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an ideal teacher to guide the pupil like his/her own child. Such a teacher shows students the right path under all circumstances and never shies away from his/her duties. In fact, he/she is always there by the student's side, at the time of need.

A Motivator

       An ideal teacher never lets the limitations of his/her students restrict their vision. He/she constantly motivates them to reach ahead and broaden their horizon. A teacher should encourage and inspire his/her pupils to think beyond their confines and help them realize their talents as well as the need to pursue them with diligence.

Menerima Santri/Santrwati Baru
TP. 2015/2016
Tingkat SMP-SMA-MA
Tlp. 0752 84169

Read more at http://festivals.iloveindia.com/teachers-day/types-of-teachers/ideal-teacher.html#zhcL0GOzDYmheG8G.99

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